Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nelayan Titiwangsa

Posted By: Raju - 1:32 AM
As per practice, most Malay Muslims feast after their fasting especially during weekends. This is their way of breaking their fast or so-called, berbuka puasa.

Farah, Syafiq and Rahmat invited us to Titiwangsa Park for me to experience how Malay practice their way of eating.

It is actually astonishing that people really wait until 7:30 PM. We arrived around 6:30-ish and we waited for the connoisseur or however they call it. Then we paid for the buffet and we were given stubs. The dinner costs RM 35 per person which is surprisingly cheap!

People started stacking their plates by the time we sat down our table, and then, they waited...

Until they played a chant or prayer in their vernacular or sounded like a foreign language to them giving them signal that they can break their fast.

Here are some pictures I took using my prime. I apologize for not taking wide shots because I forgot to bring my other lens.

[gallery link="file" columns="2" orderby=""]

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