Thursday, March 24, 2011

Greenbelt Ayala Malls - Not For The Poor?

Posted By: Raju - 10:57 AM
This has been circulating online that there are some signboards in Greenbelt showing this:
Image shown below has been cropped, please refer to the links below to see the original.

[caption id="attachment_2705" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Camera 360"]Greenbelt Poor People[/caption]
This is a private controlled environment. Poor people & other disturbing realities strictly prohibited. Thank you!

How shocking it is to find out that Ayala Malls are starting to be discriminative? Therefore, I investigated.

He posted this on his twitter:!/jploh/status/50792676181819392

Then, to make it very real, he took more shots using his HTC Desire mobile phone, untouched and in RAW format:


The pictures look real because he took several shots in different angles during the night using a flash. The angle of the bounced flash correlates with how the the photographer was standing at the moment he took the picture. There's just something wrong with the EXIF data. Then, what is EXIF? It is an Exchangeable Image File Format. It is a specification for the image file format used by digital cameras (including smartphones) and scanners.

Let us see the simple EXIF viewer on Windows.

Greenbelt EXIF 1 Greenbelt EXIF 2

Now, let us see the Full EXIF in XML format provided by Photoshop:


I have an HTC Desire HD phone. I know it is more advanced than the former, but it is still has the same features. EXIF should show almost the same, let us say, remove the GPS data.

Here's the simple EXIF from Windows on a RAW HTC Desire HD:

Real EXIF 1 Real EXIF 2Real EXIF 3

Now, here's the full one:

Real Full EXIF

A few hours Greenbelt posted a note on their Facebook account, :
This is regarding the alleged signage that has been posted today, 24 March 2011, at the Greenbelt mall, a photo of which has been circulating online. This signage is not authorized and is not part of Greenbelt’s official mall signage.

The Ayala Malls Management does not tolerate such pranks and is currently investigating the matter. We shall be coordinating with the proper authorities for corresponding actions to be taken.

We would like to reassure everyone that Greenbelt is for the enjoyment of the public and the community it serves.

Also, they have released their official statement on Twitter (twitpic attached):

Now, you be the judge.

About Raju

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  1. Ayala would never do that. It's clearly a hoax!

  2. jploh on twitter admitted it was a hoax



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